Dear Donor,

Pathway to Harmony, Inc. is totally committed to it’s mission of providing quality educational and life skill programs that are created to address issues of stress frustration, anger, and apathy that have a profoundly negative impact on our communities. We strongly believe in the African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child”. Since 1997, we have worked hard to make our village a peaceful and safe place, free from stress, frustration, anger, and violence.

If you believe in our mission of helping youth and adults to enhance their quality of life, support our efforts by making a contribution. No contribution is too great or too small. Every contribution is appreciated.

Ten Ways Your Generous Donation Can Help the Village:
  1. Enable us to provide quality services to a greater number of youth and adults who are experiencing higher levels of stress, frustration, anger and violence caused by their economic situation and environment;
  2. Purchase uniforms and supplies for participants who are unable to afford them;
  3. Purchase portable mats so that our programs can be transported to off-site locations in need of the program;
  4. WISH LIST Help with the purchase of a van to transport youth and mats to seminars, demonstrations, and off-site events
  5. Help to provide mentoring and training to youth in restorative justice, nonviolent conflict resolution and alternatives to violence;
  6. Make it possible for more youth to participate in the Pathway to Harmony Aikido Summer Enrichment (P.H.A.S.E.) program, or possibly underwrite it completely;
  7. Help to empower youth and adults to manage their finances and begin to plan their future through the Pathway to Harmony Financial Literacy Program;
  8. Help improve the physical and mental health of youth and adults through the Pathway to Harmony Mind and Body Energy Revitalizer/Stress Buster program;
  9. Help to increase youth and adult awareness of the important benefits of eating healthier foods and exercising to improve their health through the Pathway to Harmony Healthy Eating and Exercise Program;
  10. Provide a small stipend for youth peer leaders and tutors participating in the Pathway to Harmony Youth Ambassadors and Pathway to Harmony Aikido Summer Enrichment (P.H.A.S.E.) program.